Instream Flow Studies
These studies typically analyze the impact of flow on the development and maintenance of habitat for aquatic species. Studies include both hydrologic and geomorphologic elements.

Relevant Experience:
- Conducted a long-term monitoring program for the response of geomorphology, habitat, and water quality to flow recommendations and the relationship to endangered fish recovery in the San Juan River in New Mexico.
- Conducted a natural flow study, which included satellite evapotranspiration mapping and river basin operation modeling of the Rio Chama in New Mexico.

River basin modeling for water supply projection and management is carried out utilizing the latest modeling tools. KB has extensive experience using Riverware, a state-of-the-art river basin hydrologic modeling tool that allows the user to develop data-driven, rule-based models of river basin systems. IRRSIM is a proprietary model created by KB that simulates river basin features and irrigation projects as well as the economics of those projects. Other models in the KB toolkit include MODFLOW, HEC-RAS, OPDM, Waters, IRAS, QUAL2E, SWMM, and BASINS.
River Basin Modeling and Operation Studies
Relevant Experience:
- Participated in the development of the San Juan River Basin Hydrology Model, which has been used to establish flow recommendations and reservoir operating rules for Navajo Dam to facilitate recovery of the endangered Colorado pikeminnow and razorback sucker in New Mexico.
- Developed the Gila Water Resource Decision Support System, which is an integrated surface water and groundwater management model with economic analysis capability, for the Gila River Indian Community.
- Initiated the development of a groundwater and surface water monitoring program for the Gila River Indian Community in Arizona, which included the installation of automated gauging stations and a comprehensive database for all surface water flows and 62 monitoring wells, covering water quantity, water level, and water quality.